Saturday, December 27, 2008

After Christmas Dance Down!!

Yeah we pretty much rocked it tonight. This is after a few of us leaders had a party in the back. And Kevin and I just got done having a conversation about Striper.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Josh and I ate at Sadies today...

... This was the loudest table ever. The woman in the hat acted like she was 4 but she was really like 35. Everytime someone said something funny her laugh filled the entire room. She also found it necessary to yell her conversation a few times.

Christmas Morning

Mat Pirolo bought Josh and i some super good DVD's for Christmas. I am grateful, and excited to watch them. I won't lie though, i'm pretty sure he gave them to us because they're two of his favorite movies and he wants us to watch them with him. I'm okay with it.

We also......Ate lunch/ dinner at my house with Debbie Dunn, and than went to Joshua's grandma's house to hang out with the family. We played Apples to Apples with his Uncles and Aunts.

I was a pretty good Christmas I would say.

Christmas Eve

Ariel built her first fire tonight! WooHoo. Only problem was that we didn't make sure the vent was open, so none of the smoke went up. Just out....into our home. Ariel is outside on the patio in this picture, because it was very difficult to breath or see inside.

Joshua is fire fighter!! He inhaled all the smoke, becuase he was being a hero and trying to open the vent....while the fire was burning.
We ended up just pouring water on the fire to put it out.....

And while Ariel, Dillon and I were all huddled on the patio with our hot chocolate, Joshua was inside holding the fan to try and make the smoke escape sooner.
He is a good man.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Ty Pennington!

Yes that is the name on the bible. This man got bibles for the entire Extreme Makeover team! I love Ty.

Dwight Schrute just slapped in the head.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas Party!

There were so many adults everywhere that all the "youth" (as we were continually called), huddled on one chair. Jesse and Bekah were right next to us, but my arm failed at being long enough to fit us all.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

My little Graduate!

Isn't she beautiful?! Yes she is.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Winning House...

Joshua Denver and Tamara!
Thank You Mr. and Mrs. Pirolo!!

Even more legit

Uber Awesome!

The most legit gingerbread house building team ever. We will school mat chris and heidi.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Choir Recital

Last night Ashley, Alysia and I all went to the Choir recital at Desert Ridge MS to watch Daniella in her show choir performance. The blonde lady is Diane Anderson, im only pointing it out because Alysia had a freak out and made me promise to blog it. So uh.... there she is. Enjoy the back of her head.

Joshua is amazing!

Joshua came home early on Wednesday and surprised me with flowers and a letter, left in my car. It was really sweet. I love that boy so much.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Monday, December 8, 2008

A Much Needed Night!!

Tonight started off with just talking and soaking our feet in the hot tub. It ended with our entire bodies, clothes and all, in the water. I loved it. Great picture too huh???

Sunday, December 7, 2008

I love him

This is my dog Jake. He is so cuddly! My face is fuzzy cause he's big, and i cant control him.


How considerate of them, they made a peep hole for people Alysia's size, and one for people like Ashley.


We usually end up in places we aren't supposed to be. That is what makes it so fun!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Children cause Ariel to have anxiety.

She's such an honest big sister. About 3 seconds after this picture was taken, she turns to the kid and goes "i'm getting tired of you!" i don't think she was so excited when Ariel and I laughed at her for about 5 minutes.

Because she's Ariel

We're in the waiting room at Lovelace. The night is still young.


We are triplets.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

This is what happens when I obey my mom.

I tried to swollow four chalky vitamins at once. This was the position i ended up in. Ariel has more details on her blog.

Monday, December 1, 2008

I got my nose pierced today!

The man was cleaning the inside of my nose with a q-tip. It tickled.