Thursday, January 29, 2009

When one boy picks up a guitar....

The others must also. Its okay the girls just discuss baby stuff in the kitchen.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Sorry this took me so long...

Joshua and I are engaged!! True story! I probably should've posted this like 6 days ago, but I didn't, so I am doing it now.
Anyways. So last thursday night, Joshua and I were celebrating his birthday (he turned 19) and we had a nice quiet/ romantic dinner, and following the dinner he told me he wanted to show me a new song he wrote. So we sat down, and he sang the most incredible song i've ever heard. (he's just really amazing. i am definitly getting the better end of this deal) anyways! It was a beautiful song. He wrote about us going through life hand in hand, and asked me to follow him (i know right?!) Well, the very last verse was 'Will you marry me?', he then got on one knee, and put a beautiful ring on my finger. Needless to say, I said yes. :)
I can't wait to go through life with this man.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Trent Someone (i cant say his real name because if he knows he could get mad)

So this guy came in the bookstore today, Megan didnt like him very much, because he wasnt so nice to her. after she told Ces about it he pulled up his picture on google to show us this guy was an Olympic Gold Gymnast! We all got a little excited, and it made Ces's week.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Joshua is a very patient teacher.

I fell down alot. But now I am a pro. So its alright.

Girls upstairs. Boys downstairs.

This is where Heidi, Bekah and I slept. In a very cozy littly indent upstairs.

Driving to Wolfe Creek

This icy-snowy road is just one reason why it ended up taking us 9 hours to get to our destination instead of 4.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Heading to Wolf Creek

Stopped at Wendy's for dinner. The nice man gave us like four extra sandwiches! This means, when Josh is arrested and Bekah, Jesse and myself are stranded we won't have to wait for Jesse to die, so we can eat him or hope to find a dog. We can eat real food.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Josh and I took down all the Christmas decorations in his house today. And when it came time to take the tree outside, he thought it might be good to try and chop it down with his machetti.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Years Eve!

What better way to bring in the New Year than with two hundred amazing middle school students?! It was a blast. I got hit in the face with a soccor ball playing dodge ball. And hit people with noodles. It was beautiful.