Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Killer Bug

Okay, so the Lord doesn't exactly find us funny. After we got in the car from taking that picture below, there was a giant flying aunt. We didn't realize this until we were on the freeway. This would be me trying to kill it, so Ariel doesn't kill us. I apologize for the lie. But we wanted you to enjoy our made up stories as well. Its how the time goes by fastest.

Not everyone appreciates sarcasm

Ariel tried to lighten up the officers day, by making a slightly sarcastic and possibly racist joke, when he asked If we were citizens. Ariel replied with "we're not brown like you honey." At that point, we were asked to step out of the car and empty the trunk. He found many converse and some business attire for Ariel's job interview coming up. The officer than said that as long as we handed over the size thirteens we were free to go. He also gave us a little lecture on respect. What a great way to end the trip.

Heading back to the ABQ

This would be our mandatory border protection stop. We pass the time listening to a little Miley Cyrus and MIA.

Veteran Memorial Park

World War Two veterans. This was a really cool park, i tried to get a picture of all the foot prints, but that picture failed. See this trip wasn't all fun and games. There was a bit history too.

Checking out...

This picture was taken just moments after we turned in our room keys. As you can see, Ariel is not very excited to go home to the real world. I second that complaint.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Today was long. So we decided that we earned ourselves a good meal at Lorenzo's.

Ariel's helping out the economy

Well two of those bags are mine.

Converse Outlet

This is the store i havbeen waiting for and saving my money for, for the past three hours.

We found the Mall!!

And the weather outside is amazing!

Welcome to Texas

Now to find the outlet mall. I don't like Texas much.

Farley's for lunch

We kinda missed the free breakfast at the hotel, due to sleeping in.

Monday, February 23, 2009

First meal

All this food for two girls. perfect!

Home sweet home....

For the next two days at least.

Oh my gosh! Nemo's swimming out to sea!!

We touched the butt.

Fish anyone?

This is how we get it 'fresh' here in NM.

Headin to Cruses with Ari

This is pretty much what we've seen for the about an hour. if you're creative you can see the beauty in it.