Friday, January 23, 2009

Sorry this took me so long...

Joshua and I are engaged!! True story! I probably should've posted this like 6 days ago, but I didn't, so I am doing it now.
Anyways. So last thursday night, Joshua and I were celebrating his birthday (he turned 19) and we had a nice quiet/ romantic dinner, and following the dinner he told me he wanted to show me a new song he wrote. So we sat down, and he sang the most incredible song i've ever heard. (he's just really amazing. i am definitly getting the better end of this deal) anyways! It was a beautiful song. He wrote about us going through life hand in hand, and asked me to follow him (i know right?!) Well, the very last verse was 'Will you marry me?', he then got on one knee, and put a beautiful ring on my finger. Needless to say, I said yes. :)
I can't wait to go through life with this man.


Mat Pirolo said...

Love it. FIERCE!

Anonymous said...

i cant wait to go through life with that man too! packaged deal!