Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Apparently speaking the truth is a hate crime.

Joshua texted me when I woke up, about a bill soon to be passed about speaking against homosexuals. I was interested, so i found a few articles online. I encourage you all to check it out as well, and to continually be keeping our nation, and our people in prayer.

Thought Control on the Rebound

A sense of urgency is growing among pro-homosexual Senators to pass Thought Control as a tribute to Ted Kennedy's left-wing legacy before he passes away.

Without immediate action from pro-family forces led by Public Advocate, the legislation will pass with Pelosi and Reid's army of pro-homosexual toadies in tow.

If Thought Control were to pass, American citizens could be prohibited from expressing Christian beliefs about the immorality of homosexuality under penalty of law, and pastors could face imprisonment for simply preaching against sin.

Moreover, pro-family political groups like Public Advocate would be silenced, and leaders possibly jailed.

Gay Bill of Special Rights "Top Priority Legislation"Representative Barney Frank (D-Mass) has made it very clear he is not letting the Gay Bill of Special Rights, mislabeled the "Employment Non-Discrimination Act," fall by the wayside in 2009.

Along with Thought Control, the Gay Bill of Special Rights poses one of the greatest threats the family will face this coming year.

Given the new majorities in Congress, Pelosi and Reid will be able to steer the bill through Congress without much opposition unless America's pro-family majority stands up to be counted.

Frank's Gay Bill of Special Rights would have devastating effects on the economy as employers would be forced to treat homosexuals as a protected minority.

Under federal mandates, businesses nationwide would be strong-armed into surrendering to homosexual hiring quotas, which would force employers to hire - and prevent them from firing - homosexuals.

In fact, Frank's bill may not only force private schools, daycares, churches, and any other place of employment to hire homosexuals, but may also bring criminal charges against any place of business for firing a troublesome homosexual employee.

Business owners will find themselves defending managerial decisions in court.

Check out the link below, to get information on the bill
I also like this alot.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Lunch Time!

Ariel and I had some cravings at work today. So we went to Chili's and fulfilled them. Nacho's, cheese fries, artichoke dip and chips. Alot of food for just two girls. But we did pretty good finishing it all off. (Btw, Josh comes home in 24 days)

Monday, April 27, 2009

Still Kevin

Still not caring.

This is Kevin

Sometimes he pretends to care whats going on in my life. I see through his lies.

A little bit of kindness can brighten anyone's day.

The weekend ended today. After a short nap, and realization that life was not hesitating to slap us in the face again, Alysia and i went to meet at Barnes and Noble. (This is where we go to escape our troubles. Under the giant used) unfortunately, life must have hit a few people hard, because they'd already claimed our spot. So we drove to uptown, and enjoyed i nice bench, awful music, and the company of someone who understood. We than realized that Nestle would probably also understand. So we went in. The guy behind the counter was really nice, and gave us these free cup cake things. After this, when i ordered one scoop of the rasberry, he filled my cup with one GIANT scoop. When Alysia and i both ordered one cookie, he gave us two extra. He even threw in a story from his day. We walked out satisfied. Than vented a little more. And decided to remind one another that God is big, and
always on His thrown. He's in control. And its time to put into action all that we learned this weekend.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

These girls...

Mean the world to me. I wish i could express the impact they have both had on my life. And the ways the Lord has used them. We had a great night hanging out, and a great talk in Ariels stupid car after. There were lots of tears, a few laughs and another unforgetable memory was made. I'm excited to see what the Lord has planned for the next few years, and where He will send each of us. I'm also excited because we still have four months together (Lord willing) and we're going to make the best of it. No more tears.

New Mexico WildCats

Ariel got some free tickets to an Arena Football game for the New Mexico Wildcats on Sunday. Shortly after recieving them, Ariel decided she really didn't want to go, so Alysia, Dillon and I gladly stepped up to the plate! It was a fun game. We lost of course, but its NM so why wouldn't we? It took us about 45 minutes to actually find the place, but aside from that, i would say our day was a success, we were even able to talk to, (and smell) all the players on the field afterwards.

Friday, April 17, 2009

These are the types of things that happen when Denver Miller is your friend.

CAPE (Christians Against Public Education)

Now normally i do not enjoy the home school convention, however, this year we decided to make it fun! So Megan and I checked out all the tables, spoke to kids who had been homeschooled, and admitted that they did not have "social skills" ( this was sarcasm, this kid had an even higher level of a social skill then Megan and I combined! [now thats skills!!!] Needless to say i was impressed) ate a little candy, was bossed around by a woman we didn't know... she was also sarcastic, so this made it okay. And at the end of it all, i got to receive my drivers license! (picture above...) Overall, i'd say it was a pretty good time! I guess I'll home school my children.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Sunday

Easter this year;
Josh's family
My family
Two hand touch in the park with my siblings, and Ruben (sadly he's not in the picure, because as usual, he's behind the camera)
Joshua, Dillon and I won.
Overall, I would have to say it was a great day!
The original plan, was that Josh would be traveling back to Cali on Easter, but due to unexpected car problems, he was delayed two days. I won't lie, i was completely okay with the extra time! He left this afternoon, and will be back on May 21. So we are back to a long distance relationship, kinda stinky, but we're both excited to see all that the Lord has planned to teach us over the next 5 weeks! God is good.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Dessert at Flying Star

Joshua, Raspberry Chocolate Cake and Matthew ch 3. Really doesn't get much better than that.

PF Changs. Its whats for dinner.

After seeing monsters vs aliens with Stepha and Jacobo, Josh and I hit up some delicious asian food.

Engagement Pictures?!

We took engagement pictures with Kevin, from "Kevin's Photograpy" downtown. It was really fun! Definitly a new experience, we just followed him all over the place on central, and did some interesting poses as lots of people walked and drove past. Overall, i'd say it was a great day! We're getting married!! :)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Joshua is my favorite

He made me chicken noodle soup with crackers, because i've been sick. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with this man.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

This is Joshua

This is him filling up his car, because he's coming home today. :) Good stuff!