Friday, April 17, 2009

CAPE (Christians Against Public Education)

Now normally i do not enjoy the home school convention, however, this year we decided to make it fun! So Megan and I checked out all the tables, spoke to kids who had been homeschooled, and admitted that they did not have "social skills" ( this was sarcasm, this kid had an even higher level of a social skill then Megan and I combined! [now thats skills!!!] Needless to say i was impressed) ate a little candy, was bossed around by a woman we didn't know... she was also sarcastic, so this made it okay. And at the end of it all, i got to receive my drivers license! (picture above...) Overall, i'd say it was a pretty good time! I guess I'll home school my children.

1 comment:

Nichol Naranjo said...

I like that Tamara ~ Christians Against Public Education!! Haha!!
Unfortunately my middle child speaks in some secret language, and my oldest is too cool to speak well, so I'm glad you didn't interview them for the task!! ;)